Sound Therapy

If you’re based in the Norwich and Norfolk area, or happy to travel, then another complimentary service I offer is sound therapy using tuning forks. I work as a Sound Therapist in Norwich at the Complimentary Health Clinic on Exchange Street in Norwich. Using tuning forks, I conduct sound therapy sessions to balance energy and clear negative energy, balance chakras, and I have also supported people with removing negative energy from spaces like houses.

Using Sound Therapy sessions with my clients I have supported many things, such as:

  • Stress relief and reduction

  • Pain relief

  • Low energy

  • Anxiety and depression

  • Gut issues

  • Skin issues

  • Thyroid health

  • Supporting cancer patients

  • Trauma

  • Removing negative energy from homes, and other spaces

So what is sound therapy?

Sound therapy is a complimentary, alternative medicine that is used to balanced the body. The method I use in my Norwich and Norfolk clinics is using tuning forks.

In life we have energy, sound, and vibrations moving through us all the time. Modern day sound is used in medicine for MRI and ultrasound scans, stethoscopes, breaking biofilms and many other treatments. Both scientists and mystics say the essence of the universe is movement and that everything in existence vibrates, pulsates, and moves.

In modern day use Peter Davey a 92 year old Saxophone player invented a device that boiled water using sound.

At the George Mason University students developed a machine that uses bass to put out fires, using nothing but a bass sound.

In 1962 Indian researcher Dr T.C. Singh carried out studies that found sound, of the correct genre, increased plant growth. Indian music increased growth by 20% and increased biomass by 72%. Classical violin music has been found in studies to have the same effect, whereas rock music has been shown to have a negative effect.

Think about how music impacts you personally. When a song comes on you love what happens? You feel good, it gives you energy, you might even strut your stuff. This is because this music resonates with you and gives you the positivity and energy you need. The same as when you listen or hear music you don’t like, you end up feeling low, sad, and just generally not good. This will impact you mentally, but also physically, and it shows how powerful sound actually is.

In my practice in Norwich and Norfolk I use tuning forks, just like those used my medical practitioners to assess hearing in patients, to tune the body back into balance and the correct resonance, by removing dissonance from the body. In Egypt on assessment of the ancient tombs they found in carvings that tuning forks had been used way back in these times for medical purposes showing that sound therapy has been around for thousands of years, especially in Greece.

The common health complaints that sound therapy is used to help are:

  • Reducing metabolic disease risk

  • Improving and supporting a positive mindset

  • Giving us a feeling of calmness

  • Supporting many illnesses

  • Healing past trauma’s

  • Supporting hyperactivity, autism and other disorders of a similar nature

  • Supporting autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and thyroid issues

  • Strengthening the immune system

  • Depression and anxiety

  • Dementia, Alzheimers and Parkinsons

  • Sleep disorders

  • Joint pain

  • Headaches and migraine

  • Reducing stress

  • Balancing hormonal health and hormone disorders

  • Lowering blood pressure

  • Supporting healthy cholesterol levels

Are you struggling with any of the above?

The above list is just a small list of how sound therapy can help you to improve your wellbeing.

With the stressors we have today of life like work, relationships, pollution and chemicals our bodies sometimes need a little more support. Sound therapy helps not only physical illness, but also helps balance the emotions and quietens a busy mind. Most people feel calm and relaxed following treatment. For some, this feeling will last several days, weeks or months.

What I say to people is give sound a try and see how it can help you. I have worked with many people who were unsure, but after a treatment they felt the benefits and have seen how it really benefits their health, and they couldn’t wait to tell their friends and family.

To book a sound therapy session today with me in Norwich or Norfolk at one of my clinics, please contact me.

If we accept that sound is vibration and we know that vibration touches every part of our physical being, then we understand that sound is heard not only through our ears but through every cell in our bodies."

Dr Mitchell Gaynor

“Eventually, musical therapists will compose prescriptions after the manner of a pharmacist.”

Dr. Ira Altschuler (1942)

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

Nikola Tesla